We had a ton of fun in VEGAS! We stay at the Fairfield Marriott at the South end of the STRIP, right behind Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino. The whole team stayed together and we had a blast! We swam, rode the Manhattan Express Rollercoaster, watched movies, shopped, layed out, hot tubbed, played a lot of basketball and even got kicked out of the pool one night! We all had an awesome time! We love Al Pal and are glad that he plays with such a great group of frineds and that we are all able to share that experience with him! Go GRIZZ!

So once again we spent the Easter weekend cheering for the
Grizz at another exciting VEGAS basketball tournament! Some of the teams we played were incredible. This pic is from the first game we played. We played the California Elite. And ELITE they were! We had a hard time keeping up and shooting over their 6 foot ten year old! YA, their boys towered over ours! The final score was 74 to 19. It wasn't pretty for us....but it was fun watching that team and all of their talent, plus, we did get some great practice!!! ;)

I had to put this pic in so you could see the size of this teams boys!!! It was unreal!!! This dude #20 could NOT move fast but he got every rebound and pass underneath to score! Our little hustler boys could not even jump as high as this dude could reach up! I know unfair! but a fun game! Did I mention this dude was 10....yea!

On Friday, March 21st was
Kaden's Birthday! He is 6 years old! We had presents in the hotel and a fun filled day of basketball!
Kaden wanted to go to the
HARDROCK CAFE for dinner after the games. We had a great time singing and dancing and the waitress took great care of
Kaden, making sure he had a big dessert and the WHOLE restaurant wishing him "Happy B-day"!

Ok, I know this is silly, but I love Joshua Trees. This particular one did not have any clustered white flowers on the ends, so it is not as pretty as they are sometimes! Anyway, the trees remind me of
BONO and his song "I still haven't found what I'm looking for"....But, actually I have found what I am looking for and what makes me happy. It is being with my family. It is having happy, healthy kids that we can travel with and support in all of their activities! There is nothing more awesome than watching our kids play and try their best and be passionate and love what they are doing! I love watching Al Pal's game face as he brings the ball down the court and
Mckall's quick passes on the soccer field, and Ryann taking the ball away from a striker, and
Kaden hauling down the mountain on his skis to win a race! How lucky we are to have such talented kiddies!!! ...so, whenever I see a Joshua Tree...it reminds me that I have found exactly what I am
looking for....my sweet family!