Galleria Mall....Twilight Tour! Having lunch while waiting in line!
Getting on CAMERA! ahahahahaaaaaaaaaa EDWARD!!! Die~Hard TWILIGHT FANS...waiting 10 hours to see ROBBERT!
The AMAZING Galleria Mall....4 stories of screaming girls!
Robbert coming on stage being SHOCKED at ALL the SCREAMING GIRLS! My favorit pic of my fav VAMPIRE!

McKall is constantly on Stephenie Meyer's website checking on the latest Twilight news! Last week she found out that Robbert Pattinson was going to be here in Dallas at the Galleria Mall. So of course she was trying to finagle a way to go and get a wrist-band. We finally decided that she could be LATE for school & that we would go get in line that morning. Well, we apparently missed the memo....really, being STUPID and not knowing that the line would start forming the night before! I guess if we really thought about it we would have realized that we NEVER even had a chance of getting a ticket to see him and have a signiture! When we got to the mall yesterday morning at 8:30am and got to Hot Topic....there was a sign that said ..."Twilight Event Sold Out"........ of course McKall and I were bummed! We talked to one of the employees and he filled us in on how since we could NOT get an autograph and see him for 5 seconds....that we could go sit by the stage and wait ......ya, for 10 hours..... and get to see him answer questions and talk about the MOVIE. So, to make a long but very FUN story short....we had breakfast at our favorite, Corner Bakery, and decided to stay! Heck, we were the FIRST ones in line down on the floor by the stage and it was ONLY school and housework we were missing out on! It was fun meeting fans from all over who drove for hours, from Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and Lousiana. Having the CAMERA crews interviewing the girls and putting them on T.V. was awesome. Doing a little shopping, getting hair-cuts, spending 20dollars in the "candy~shop" , making some new friends and OF COURSE seeing Robbert....EDWARD! It turned out to be a VERY long, fun filled GIRLS/TWILIGHT/EDWARD DAY OUT!