Remember when you were a teenager and you LOVED to doorbell ditch, play sniper, capture the flag, ghost in the graveyard, kick the can....and OF COURSE T.P. the crap out of people's houses?!!! Well, now I have a teenager who likes to do all of these stupid, annoying, messy activities! .....and what do 'I DO' because I'm nervous for them to go sneaking around at night with dark clothes on and bags of evidence?.....I DRIVE THEM of course!!! Oh, and I take pictures of the festive fun! .....I forgot, this is a house of boys who are all friends with McKall and her, it is all just a loving gesture of friendship, NO maliciousness! The girls even typed up a note with candy attached & left on the doorstep! What a bunch of tards! Can't wait for the retaliation!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Posted by PetersonFam at 9:28 PM 13 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Oh My HAiR!
Some of you have noticed that my hair is no longer short and sassy! It has become long and annoying! I'ts not that I can't find a hair-dresser, it's just that I want to try something a little different! SOOO I have been growing it out since I left Logan. Seriously....I don't know what to do with SOOOO much hair!??? Do I blow it dry and round-bursh I curl it...ok NO....It is just so just hangs there with NO ATTITUDE whatsoever! ANyhoo...I'm trying really hard to stick to my decision to let it get past my ears to my chin....then I'm going to try to do some kind of A-LINE style of some sort! BUT for now, it is just at that ugly hang in my face, can't do a thing with style! I do pull it away from my face and try to do a puff or twist...trying not to look like I'm 14! hahahaa!
Posted by PetersonFam at 3:10 PM 9 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Philly~D.C.~New York~..WHEW!
Statue of Liberty in the background! Roadie to NYC!
Of course this is the kind of fun the boys would have!

Posted by PetersonFam at 1:21 PM 7 comments