Friday, January 30, 2009


Remember when you were a teenager and you LOVED to doorbell ditch, play sniper, capture the flag, ghost in the graveyard, kick the can....and OF COURSE T.P. the crap out of people's houses?!!! Well, now I have a teenager who likes to do all of these stupid, annoying, messy activities! .....and what do 'I DO' because I'm nervous for them to go sneaking around at night with dark clothes on and bags of evidence?.....I DRIVE THEM of course!!! Oh, and I take pictures of the festive fun! .....I forgot, this is a house of boys who are all friends with McKall and her, it is all just a loving gesture of friendship, NO maliciousness! The girls even typed up a note with candy attached & left on the doorstep! What a bunch of tards! Can't wait for the retaliation!


jami v. said...

funny ... i remember those good old days too! guess it's good you're there and not here, with auntie probation officer just around the bend!! :)

remember when mom used to go tp-ing?? ah, the good old days! :)

PetersonFam said...

mom was like in her 50's...jami. Remember when a bunch of the TEACHERS....would get together and 'shred' other teachers houses? I remember when mom used to do that! ....and she was suppost to be a good example! ....can't even trust our school teachers! hahaa! I guess old~farts have to have fun too!

Lauren said...

hahaha oh i remember when me and Kall used to do that!!! it was a blast! well i miss you guys, and luv ya! Hope i can come visit ya soon! love, Lauren

The Chambers Family said...

Now if the boys see these pictures they will find out that it wasn't Dalton that TPd them. Hey next time you should call me and I will come along for the ride.

The Peterson 5 said...

You're a cute mom Steph!! I think everyone has fun toilet papering seemed like we always had an older sister for the getaway car!

Annie's Blog said...

haha!!!!!! that looks so fun!!!! i still remember when we all did that!!! it was freaking FUN!!!!! i love all you guys so much!! and miss you!!! hope ta see you soon!!! LOVE- Annie*****

Julie said...

It's especially fun to get all the mom's together and go toilet papering. You should try it. Anyway, McKall did a great job....although those trees are pretty sad. She will get better at picking houses with tons of trees...oh yeah and we like to heart attack people...they would have fun with that.

Mandy said...

Those were the good old days...except when no one told us that hitting the same house 3 nights in a row was a bad idea!

You better be careful though! It is criminal's all fun and games until she ends up at juvie!

tifaniwilliams said...

I guess it's obvious who tp'd us all the time. It hasn't happened since you left Logan!!!Just kiddin! You rock and we miss you guys!

Elise said...

So, i just realized that Mckall is still posting but i'm not allowed to see it! If she really doesn't want me to then disreguard this note, but if she doesn't mind tell her to invite me! I'd love to see whats going on with her, we miss you guys here in logan!

Anonymous said...

You are the funnest surprise there! I can just hear your kooky laugh! Never grow up Steph! Love ya, Jo

Jen said...

Hi! It was so good to hear from you. It looks like your family is doing great in Texas. Yes, I'm pregnant!! We did IVF this summer and it worked, so we are totally excited! Everything is pretty standard now, so I just see a doc up here-Kirkman. I like him. Too bad you won't be my nurse. Or maybe it's better to have total strangers..take care. -Jen

Mandy said...

Tell Julie to invite me to her blog....little brat going private on me!