A l ittle re-cap of the last few months activities.....& A LOT of pics! FUN!
My little soccer studs/diva's!
McKall's header....soon after she was knocked to the ground & got a slight concussion! rough game!
Our Christmas snowWoman! :)
Christmas fun...
Christmas eve...fam pics are never fun!
The next million pics are from our trip to Orlando! Fun times and awesome soccer! 

making the train rides a little more exciting! :)
Ryann, gettin in on the fun! hahahaha!
Dec, Christmas was amazing in Texas this year...complete with SNOW on Christmas Eve! We stayed home and had a great time just being with each other & no where to go!
McKall got her "15yr" trip. She chose L.A. ...we had a fantastic time!
Jan, Ryann's 3V3 team took us to National's in Orlando Florida. We spent the week hitting the parks, beach, Datona 500 race track, movies & A LOT of soccer! Ry's team did ok, taking 10th out of 40something teams. Ry played like a rock-star and had a great time!
Feb,Ryann turned the big 10, she had a party with pedi/manicures, dinner & sleepover!
March, Dan & I took a quick trip to Utah. Dan worked & I spent time with ALL my sista's & my sweet friends back home. Kaden turned 8...getting baptized in May in New York with his cousins!
April....crazy! Alec-broken thumb/cast for 3 weeks/playing on 2 different basketball teams/getting straight A's, McKall-playing soccer for Plano Premier League...the Dynamos, who are undefeated!, she just made the Wakeland HS dance team for next year & is a 4.0 student.
Dan & I celebrated 19 years of LUV!Ryann-playing A LOT of soccer, loving school & hanging with friends!
Kaden-doing awesome in school, playing basketball on a good team where he is getting better and faster....& with the help of Alec, shooting awesome!
Me...I have a great life! I get my boot-A kicked every morning, go to lunch, shopping, clean my house, do whatever till my kids get home, then we hit homework, practices, dinner & bed! :)
Dan...still traveling about every week for 2-4 days at a time & LOVING his crazy schedule!
* We are heading to PA here in a week to see family & baptise Kaden, Luke & Christian. Can't wait to hug all our babies again!
*pics of the last few months!
Alec, playing with the Plano A division Panther Pack! The team pic below shows his height challange!...but, he's awesome!