A l ittle re-cap of the last few months activities.....& A LOT of pics! FUN!
My little soccer studs/diva's!
McKall's header....soon after she was knocked to the ground & got a slight concussion! rough game!
Our Christmas snowWoman! :)
Christmas fun...
Christmas eve...fam pics are never fun!
The next million pics are from our trip to Orlando! Fun times and awesome soccer! 

making the train rides a little more exciting! :)
Ryann, gettin in on the fun! hahahaha!
Dec, Christmas was amazing in Texas this year...complete with SNOW on Christmas Eve! We stayed home and had a great time just being with each other & no where to go!
McKall got her "15yr" trip. She chose L.A. ...we had a fantastic time!
Jan, Ryann's 3V3 team took us to National's in Orlando Florida. We spent the week hitting the parks, beach, Datona 500 race track, movies & A LOT of soccer! Ry's team did ok, taking 10th out of 40something teams. Ry played like a rock-star and had a great time!
Feb,Ryann turned the big 10, she had a party with pedi/manicures, dinner & sleepover!
March, Dan & I took a quick trip to Utah. Dan worked & I spent time with ALL my sista's & my sweet friends back home. Kaden turned 8...getting baptized in May in New York with his cousins!
April....crazy! Alec-broken thumb/cast for 3 weeks/playing on 2 different basketball teams/getting straight A's, McKall-playing soccer for Plano Premier League...the Dynamos, who are undefeated!, she just made the Wakeland HS dance team for next year & is a 4.0 student.
Dan & I celebrated 19 years of LUV!Ryann-playing A LOT of soccer, loving school & hanging with friends!
Kaden-doing awesome in school, playing basketball on a good team where he is getting better and faster....& with the help of Alec, shooting awesome!
Me...I have a great life! I get my boot-A kicked every morning, go to lunch, shopping, clean my house, do whatever till my kids get home, then we hit homework, practices, dinner & bed! :)
Dan...still traveling about every week for 2-4 days at a time & LOVING his crazy schedule!
* We are heading to PA here in a week to see family & baptise Kaden, Luke & Christian. Can't wait to hug all our babies again!
*pics of the last few months!
Alec, playing with the Plano A division Panther Pack! The team pic below shows his height challange!...but, he's awesome!

awesome! so, do McKall's feet ever stay on the ground? That girl can catch some air! And, I'm loving Ryann's pole dancing skills. I guess she comes by them honestly! Sounds like you guys are having so much fun. We can't wait to see you next weekend!! :)
I have missed you guys...and reading and seeing all your pics makes me miss you guys even more! The kids look amazing. Maybe we should move to Texas to be near you all the time!
oh my hell. i just about fell off my chair when i saw there was an actual update and i wasn't looking STILL at turkey day pics. wow. go steph. so proud of you!! and maybe you can update again after you come see me!! :)
now, when i get home from preschool pick-up, i'll sit and read all you've been doing - since you're not only too busy to blog, but you're too busy to call your sister. :) xoxoxo
really- April 28th......you aren't THAT busy....
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