Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Well, we are finally here in TEXAS! All the packing and moving vans and goodbyes are over. We made the JUMP!

I can't believe it has been a week already!
We stayed in a hotel for the first few days until our apt was filled with boxes and ready for unpacking.

Our first day at the apt with the movers was priceless... Our apt is on the 3rd is 100degrees & humid....the air-conditioner would NOT come on....our dryer would NOT fit.....the t.v. would not fit or turn on....the apt maintenence people painted over the phone jack so it did NOT work....Kaden climbed up the bunk-bed ladder that was leaning against the wall and fell, scraping the metal hooks down the newly painted wall.....AND the toilets had some sort of brown-sludge in them.....!
All turned out fine. A qiuck trip to the main office with our complaints was all it took! They were at the apt in about 10 min and fixed all of our problems. :)....well, at least the hook-ups and AIR!

Now, all is a little "GHETTO" as Mckall calls it...but, everything works and is CLEAN! We are still missing our the laundry gets hung all over the apt....sweet...ya, ghetto!! hahahaa
We are currently house hunting. Every spare second we are driving through neighborhoods looking for somewhere to really settle in! We have found a lot of really neat homes...just still looking for that really neat price! ;)
The boys are already practicing football. The girls start soccer next week. We got signed up for school last week and need to finish up that stuff today and tomarrow!

Nothing like jumping right in and getting involved in EVERYTHING!

We did go to 3 wards on Sunday according to the neighborhoods where we are house hunting! Nice people in all.

Anyway, we are all doing GREAT and loving spending every second together...hahahahaaaa!!

Enjoy some of our moving memories!

We miss all you at home!


Tori said...

Looks and sounds like you guys are getting settled in!! Hopefully you can find a house you love soon! I think those Willis' (Williams) miss you already!

tifaniwilliams said...

Hey Peterson's looks like things are settling down for you. We do miss you alot!! Soccor and football just aren't the same. Your apt doesn't look getto. Looks like your having to much fun!!!!!

jami v. said...

hey, just be glad you have what you have! :) it could be an apt in the middle of the real ghetto!! :) then you'd be sad.

i'm glad you are settling in and getting involved. good for you going to 3 wards! :) i hope one of them was filled with youth so you know where to look for a house. :) good luck with all that ... it's stressful, i know. :) and it makes things so much better when you're in a house you know you'll be in for a little while. love you ... email me your address... remember you said you would?! :):) xoxoxo and i miss you too!!!

amberjill said...

3 wards in one sunday?!? are you serious?? At this rate, once you find the house you want in the ward you want, you will have earned a few weeks off of church!! hahaha looks like fun!

hotmamma said...

WE MISS YOU PETERSONS!! Oly is missing Ryann and I am missing Kaden!! (ok, we miss all of you, but ya know...we love those two!!) Soccer was NOT the same without your fam and Ryann....oh how we miss you guys!!

Mandy said...

I'm glad you finally got your computer set up so you can update us on what's going on! I'm glad you're getting settled and I hope you all don't kill each other in the apartment! It's good to be so close, right?? :) Keep us updated. Good luck house hunting!

Julie said...

I always said you guys were pretty Ghetto anyway, so not too much of a change for you. I love hearing how everything is going. I can't wait to see your really neat house!!

David said...

Ghetto? You should see where I grew up--now that's GHETTO!

I love your posts, have a unique writing style that is so you!

I hate listening to my music now, 'cause so much of it reminds me of you guys and so I'm getting choked-up all the time now!:(

The Petersons said...

I don't know anything about warwolfs or vampires, but I guess I should rea the books. Maybe I will read all o them next week and ketch up with everyone. That is if Grandpa will take care of everything, dinner etc.

What a great attitude you have about moving and challenges. What a great experience for your family. The hardships of the "getto". We will have to come and check out your new placeses.

-KeLliE- said...

Hey steph!
I am sorry that things were not going to well in the apartment!! =) Hope things are going well in texas!!
lol I miss mckall!!!
Love Kellie