Yesterday was Ryann's BirthDay! It was a bit 'low-key' due to the fact we had church and had to speak and give lessons...but, we made it HER day anyway! WE got up at 8:30 to do the most anticipated...'present' opening & picture taking....(this, was NOT McKall's idea of fun or sleeping-in....but, who cares??? It's NOT her day is it)! ...anyhoo, after we had fun opening presents and taking a bunch of cute photos, Dan made Ry's favorite.....Crepes!
Later that evening some neighbors stopped by for cake and ice cream & more presents!
Ry was queen for a day and got all the attention we could muster!
Here are 9 reasons WE love our RY RY!
1. Her attitude! spunky!
2. She can DANCE! oh, and it's 'beyonce' hahah!
3. She absolutely LOVES music! ....ya, she gets it from ME...ok, & McKall! She can sing ANY song and knows ALL the words & even some actions! hahaha!
4. Ry is sensitive & loving.
5. Ryann has a great imagination! She is constantly wearing someones high-heels, jewelry, make-up, dresses, and teachin/reading to the people!
6. Ry is funny! She is always making us laugh! Some of the things that come out of her mouth!!
7. Ryann is an athlete! You should see her ZHENO, MARIDONA & her 'off-ball-movement' !! She is aggressive and mean on that field! She is getting better and faster! We love to watch her! She can hang with her brothers too.......she can dunk the basketball jumping off the back of the couch......& tackle Alec to the ground when he is trying to 'juke' and 'score'...!
8.Ry loves to cuddle and tickle! No matter where we are she is always pushing her sleeves or pants up or lifting her shirt so we can tickle her back, arm, legs, face, name it!
9. Ryann is our curious one, always asking questions and wanting to know who, what, when, where, how, & why! Yikes! Sometimes she scares me with her 'inquiring mind' !
B-Day Treats at School!
Blowin out the 'candle'...where is Trisha when I need her???
The 'happy' morning birthday photo! McKall is sooooooo pleasant!
Kaden....causing havoc with the 'hula-hoop'...shocking!
Ryann's favorite gift...the 'hula-hoop' & 'Heely's' !
Another "FUN" family photo! What sweet kids I have! hahaha!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RY!! I'm glad McKall was so willing to grace you with her presence! I think this picture would be great blown up and put on the wall so that when her 1st date comes to get her he can see it. Better yet, sneak it into the wedding video! What a fun birthday, but seriously, Steph! What a lame cake! :)
oh happy happy bday ryann!! it looks like you had a SUPER day, even though your favorite aunt jami forgot to call and sing! love you lots ... xoxoxoxoxo
Happy Birthday, Ry!! You are so cute and talented, way to go. I miss you guys. Hope all is well.
Happy Birthday Ryan!!! McKall will hate those pics one day! Jaxynn has Heely's just like the ones Ryan got and she got them for her 9th bday too. She absolutely loves them. Nice Candle....we have done that one before too.
Happy Birthday Ryann!!!
How fun and too bad I wasn't there to make a cute cake for Ry. I love that she still likes to "teach and read to the people". Can't wait to see you in Texas on the 18th. Adrian wants to pack today...ummmm, who is she like?? But don't worry my lists are made:)
Happy Birthday Ry, wish we could have been there. Your present is on it way. I broke my foot on your birthday as grandpa told you. We were busy with that and then realized on Monday we missed calling you. Sounds like you had a great day. Love you. (Steph make sure she gets our message) Thanks.
Happy Birthday Ry, We didn't forget you we just don't know when a good time to call is. By the time things settle down its to late. We will be sending something for you! Brinlee misses you so much. We will call you soon!!
How fun! your family is getting so big! I loke your hair and good luck with sticking to your goal to grow it out...I daughter was reading some of the things and asked me why I couldn't be a COOL mum like you - so I am going to try to let my hair down to be COOL like you. It is great to read about your family.
Love your cousin,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RY!! Oly misses you so much and loves when the pj pants she borrowed (stole) from you are clean and she can wear them!! She still talks about how Ry knows all the words to all the songs (guess its true!) and all the fun they had at their sleepovers!! Hope you guys will be coming to Utah soon so we can see you!! Tell Kaden hi from his older woman girlfriend!! He is soooo stinking cute! Miss you all.....
Happy Birthday Ry! I'm sad we weren't together for cake! :) McKall is such a teenager! :)
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