Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time to hit the POOL!

I know, I know, I'm finally making back to the blogging world! Sorry for my hiatus....just busy, busy, busy! :)

ANyHoO, back in February we decided to go ahead with finishing our back yard and putting in a pool! NO, we did NOT have any freezing temps or snow to deal with...just 60-70degree weather! We debated and debated and got bid after bid! Finally we made our mind up, and after about 6 design changes we were ready to roll!
The whole process was really amazing! OUr pool guy, Greg, was incredible! We heard tons of stories about how long it takes and how much mess is made and what a PAIN the whole process really we warned our neighbors that we were starting a pool and to be patient! They were all great ....because they all have pools and know what to expect.
To make a long story short, from DIG to SWIM was 6 weeks...minus a couple of weeks because of rain delay! we were swimming in 8 weeks! Everything went smooth and there was absolutly NO 'painful' part at all!
So, we are now enjoying 80 to 90 degree temps and we have an awesome pool, with a 9' deep end, diving board, turbo-twister slide, huge hot-tub, and fire-pit! We even have some side yard to kick the soccerball or throw some passes!
Dan and I decided that a pool is probably better right now than a boat.....due to our schedule of sporting events and travel this summer......!!! Maybe a Malibu will be in the works for next summer! Ya baby! :)
Enjoy some pics of our awesome pool process! .....HOpe to see ALL of you 'lookers' at some point here in Texas enjoying it with us!!!!!!
The DIG!
I did not realize that after the is a TON of REBAR!
Blowing in the gunnite!Finally looking like a 'pool' !
Preparing for the 'pour' the deck around the pool!All poured and 'rain-filled' ! yuck! They had to come in and pump it out 3 times!Getting the fire-pit and bench done! Dan's idea!
The finished fire-pit and bench!....Deck stain too!Blowing in the 'pebble-tech' ....the inside covering of the pool!
All done! Now it's time to FILL IT WITH WATER! YEA!The kids were soooo excited! They started to swim while it was filling up!Almost completly full !
McKall....diving in...the pool is complete....minus some muchly needed landscape!The BIG kids first trick...jumping off the TOP of the slide into the deep end! YIKES!Our fearless Kaden doing a cannonball!

Hot-Tub Fun with the family!


Elise said...

Wow looks awesome! We might have to come visit for sure ;)!

amberjill said...

fun! i like the last picture. what a cute little NAKED family!! :) it looks awesome! just might have to come visit just to use your pool! :)

Rebecca said...

That is so beautiful. I love it. Lots of fun family time there. Enjoy

jami v. said...

awesome! can't wait to come get my lily-whites soakin' by the pool

jami v. said...

ps-it's about time you updated! :)

Beebeblog said...

Wow..what a life you have. Looks like so much fun. We may have to drive by on our way home from UT to swim! Can't wait to see you all!

Natalie said...

Wow! That' looks liek so much fun!

The Hendrix Family said...

You know what they say,"The next best thing to having a swimming pool is having a great friend and neighbor who has a swimming pool!!!! See ya in a few:)

Mandy said...

Jace and Carter can't wait...guess this means you won't be getting a job, too much time sitting around pool soaking up the sun!

tifaniwilliams said...

Steph the pool looks awesome. I am so jealous!! We will definitely come visit now!!

The Peterson 5 said...

Looks like fun! With the Texas Summer heat, I'm sure you'll be glad you have a pool! It looks beautiful!

The Petersons said...

Texas, here we come. We will shock you with our fat lily-white bodies.

Julie said...

I am in AWE!! Your pool looks absolutely amazing. I love the step by step pic. Jaxynn gasped when she saw a naked McKall diving in to the pool. Admit it everyone, you had to enlargen that pic to make sure there was a swimsuit. Ha Ha Ha. I am planning a trip in Sept or October with a couple friends...can we stay with you?