Posted by PetersonFam at 12:46 PM 10 comments
Posted by PetersonFam at 4:42 PM 8 comments
Ok Y'all, (notice i've got my Texan accent goin already)... did you watch AmEriCaN IdOl last night?.... LOVED IT!
Can you believe they had that "hoochie-mamma" Mariah Carey be the "artist of choice" last night....well, me either! ;) hahahaha!!
Anyhoo, as far as the Idol's go, I really think it will come down to the two David's! David Archuleta was fantastic as usual. The judges absolutly love him and so does everyone else. Like Paula said ( "David you could sing the phone book and we would think it was incredible").... NOT that I think anything that Paula says is even credible....but, she is right on this one! .....( I actullay think Paula is on CrAcK or a bit LiquOrEd up at every show...she just babbles like an Idiot....and says "your a star...or you are brilliant".....WHATEVER PAULA!!! ) :)
David Cook was absoulutly phenomenol AGAIN last night! He has the stage presence already and the unique creativity of a talanted "rock-star"........the only thing I like about him better than David Archuleta is his maturity....he is a bit sexy!!!
I think Carley rocks....love her voice but she will NOT win. I think Brook is at best "fair"...and Christie...YUCK!......The cute black girl....what is her name????...she has a great voice but will NOT win either. And Dread-Lock-Boy....I don't mind him but he is not ExCePTioNaL!
So, there is my IDOL crituque! Hope y'all enjoyed it and hope you were all lucky enough to get to watch and vote!
Posted by PetersonFam at 1:37 PM 7 comments
The SnOw FINALLY melted off of the playing fields last week! But, we were NOT able to play any games because the fields were too wet and muddy!...SO, we started this week and are making up 3 games from the previous week! ;) And what is better than statrting off with a WIN against these MoNStEr 15 yr olds!!! Mckall played way aggerssive and scored 2 of the three goals! Mckalls team won the game....3 to 2. It was exciting to see all the great foot work and aggerssiveness of the girls!
Mckall was the defender in this pic...she saved this goal!
This is Emily Davis, their goaleeeeee!! She is awesome and has some seriously LONG LEGS!Good JOB LOGAN LYNX!
Posted by PetersonFam at 7:52 AM 2 comments
OK, I have been tagged by Amber. Here are the rules.
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages).
2. Turn to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people
I tag ...Jami, Mandy, Mckall, Tori & Sally...:)
**The closest book to me was NOTHING excititng! It is The UTAH BOATING GUIDE! :)
On page 123, 5th sentence it reads...................."In the late summer it does tend to get shallow, but it is a great place to waterski, wakeboard, scoot about on a watercraft, or fish in those weedy areas where the big fish hang out." (the book is talking aobut Manuta Reservoir....you know the one little lake in Sardine canyon?)!!!! :)
Actually this IS way exciting to think that spring and summer are right around the corner and we will be skiing and wakeboarding and sunning our lilly-whites!!! ;)
I am so excited for BOATING WEATHER!!!!!
Posted by PetersonFam at 2:03 PM 2 comments
Posted by PetersonFam at 10:23 AM 5 comments
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