Ok, I know I have been a total slacker on my blog...but does anyone REALLY care? The last time I posted was the end of May. Since then, we have been busy PLAYING!...& Even though the weather did NOT feel like summer for the better part of June...it was still time to PaRTy!
My sister Jami was here for a few weeks with her boys. It was fun to see them & to hang a little with my little sis! We did go shopping one day, Me, my mom, Mandy & Jami....it was the same old thing....shopping for what about 2 hours and then Jami was DoNE.....so we did lunch and laughed a lot at each others misfortunes and shortcomings! We can be so ruthless sometimes! Mandy and Jami had to remind me of my potty-mouth and party-days and how they thought I was going to hell! Why do they have to be so judgemental???? Like THEY were angels!?? ya right! They just had a different kind of fun.....you know, orange jello, rook, rOoTbeEr, bArbiES!
Dan came home from TEXAS for a couple of weeks and we have been having a ton of together time! The kids can't get enough of him! Neither can I!! ;) he got home just in time for his Birthday on the 23rd! the kids picked out his presents this year.....a Smoothie maker and the new UnderArmor Crosstrainers! We all went to lunch and then out to CuTLeR for some serious WaKEboArDinG!!! That night we had a little fire in our fire-pit, roasted smores and watched the sky for shooting stars! We talked a lot about moving and how hard...but FUN and EXCITING this new change is going to be!

ANyHoO....This past month has FLOWN by and now it is JULY 1st!!! I can't believe it! Dan will be leaving on the 6
th to go to Chicago for a week. He will comeback for the Bees Game at Franklin Covey on Sat the 12
th. Alec and his baseball team get to go out with the players in their positions for the national
anthem and then get to throw out the 1st pitch! They did this last year and then got the tour of the stadium....it was VERY COOL!
We will then be getting ready for the biG move! YIKES!!
OKEEDOKEE...here are a few pics of our recent FUN!