Have you ever had friends who you LOVE sooooooooooooooooo much that you consider them FAMILY? Seriously! The Butterfilds are our MoST bEstEsT fRieNDs!
Dave is this CRAZY, wild~hair~Republican, music connoisseur, Alaskan Heli~skier!, Ornery~Attitude, speed~demon water skier, bishopric leader, passionate soccer~dad/coach, emotional/big~hearted guy!
Trisha is also CrAzY...but, NOT crazy enough to show me her butt-crack for a pic! She is a rigid~schedule keeper (unless I try to "shake" things up a bit)!! ,house project/interior designer, aLmoSt "enthusiastic" soccer mom, awesome downhill/water skier, USU special-ed instructor (being a bit "special" herself helps)!, primary partner, organizer extraordinaire, diet~coker, mother/wife of the year, AND most lovable,fun,sincere best Friend!
We are going to miss them sorely when we are gone in a few weeks! What are we going to do without them? I guess we will be planning a lot of trips back to Logan! Love you Buttersons!
That picture of daves butt is very inapropriate to put on your blog!!!! I am appalled!!! How embarrassing!!!
by the way...the comment above is from mckall
it's so nice to have friends. that is the worst part of moving -- leaving family (the biological and the friend) kind behind - but i always say "true" friends are your friends forever ... doesn't matter how far away you go. :)
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