There were MANY activities everyday that kept our girls busy and entertained! We had a little schedule book with times and events and duties! We had about 200 girls and about 50 leaders including our whole stake presidency. We did archery, went on hikes, played in the lake, canoed, sang & danced, ate, chanted, had R&R (reading & reflection), served a meal, prepared food, had a shaving cream fight and laughed and laughed! We also had many testimony building experiences that will never be forgotten by any of us! I will just tell you about 1 very powerful night!....... The night of the tornado, where we all ran to the 'shelter' ....(a huge steel framed cabin on the lake...with JUST steel frames...not sturdy walls)......all the girls huddled together in 2 big rooms crying, hugging close together and singing. At one point when the Sheriff told us that this was very serious and that the tornado warning was coming right for us......ALL the girls started singing "I know that my Redeemer Lives' very quietly, but very powerful! The stake President just stood, along with the leaders and sang quietly, we then sang "I am a child of God".....Then Pres Dotter offered a prayer and the storm HIT....for about 20 min the walls shook, the lights swung, the thunder and lightening crashed so loud and it rained in sheets!.....then, it was gone! We were all OK! Later that night we learned that the storm that had us in it's direct path had parted and gone all around us, but not through us. We were safe due to the power of the amazing priesthood, the power of prayer, and righteous young women who were were they were supposed to be serving their Heavenly Father!
So, despite the stifling heat and bugs and cabins and toilets(where we could not even flush our own toilet paper), we had amazing food, fun and crazy leaders that made camp awesome!
Enjoy some of the 400 + pics I took!

The lake front. the girls cabins were on the left side of the lake. The big white building on the right was the storm shelter....not very much of a shelter! ...but a great view of the lake!

what a crazy girls camp! glad you guys were safe and still had an amazing girls camp! i bet you were the funnest camp leader ever!
That all sounds great. It's different not going to the mountains and having a cooler experience. I bet the lake was a real plus. Glad you are all safe.
Wow! So much fun! And quite the experience too! And that shaving cream fight? Bet that was fun! (and fun to pack home the clothes covered in it!)
Natalie, after the shaving cream fight....we headed straight to the slide and launched ourselves into the lake!!!!! The whole lake was a cloud of white!! FUN!
man, i love girls camp! i think you would truly be the best camp director ever - since you are just a girl at heart! :)
glad you had fun, and mostly i'm glad you were all safe.
Man, I want to go to your girls camp!!! That looks like so much fun! It sounds like a lot of true personal testimonies were built. Way to go Steph and McKall.
looks like a fun girls camp! Some of my best YW memories are from camp. Glad you survived in the shelter! :)
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